The Woodrow family (Charles, Julie, Kent, Sarah, Andrew, Grace, and Benaiah) has served as missionaries in Nampula, Mozambique with Grace Missions since 1990. Charles Woodrow is a medical doctor and oversees medical ministries at Grace Evangelical Hospital where every patient hears a gospel presentation. In addition to medical outreach, Dr. Woodrow has planted a church and aides in preparing future pastors for church plants throughout Africa. Every year, Grace Missions hosts a pastor's conference where pastors are trained and equipped to minister the gospel. Grace Missions also provides Reformed literature through the Publishing House Editoria Fiel (Faithful Publishers). You can learn more about the Woodrow Family and Grace missions at their website here. Check out the following videos to learn more about Grace Missions.
Michael and Ashley Emadi
Church Planters to Ireland
Their goal is to plant a church in a village/town in Co. Louth, Ireland. They will be working with Pastor Stephen Murphy from Dundalk Baptist Church and using his insight and wisdom as to where our efforts should be focused. There are several villages within 15 minutes of Dundalk that not only are there no evangelical churches but no one knows of any Christians living in those villages. There is indeed much work to be done there.
Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary Church Partnership
Grace Covenant Church has partnered with Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary in the mentoring and raising up of men for ministry (2 Timothy 2:1-2). The CBTS mission is to help the church prepare men to undertake the full range of pastoral responsibilities they will face in serving Christ and His kingdom, and to equip Christians for effective service in the church. This biblical and confessional church-based seminary endeavors to invest in the lives of the next generation of faithful shepherds. They do this work by providing rigorous academic training and by facilitating extensive pastoral mentoring.
Ray and Cheryl Gibello began their work in PNG (Papua New Guinea) in 1983 with a two-year visit to learn about tribal missions. They returned to PNG in 1999 as full-time, permanent missionaries and have been there ever since. Endeavoring to bring the gospel to the Angave people, the Gibellos are committed to preaching, church planting, and Bible translating. Ray preaches and prepares men for leadership in the church while both he and Cheryl provide literacy training, host Bible studies, and administer basic medical treatment in this remote area without formally trained doctors. They are both thoroughly fluent in the tribal language and have utilized this ability to translate most of the New Testament. Currently, they also have two hundred Old Testament chapters translated. Their most pressing prayer request is for help, “for the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37). For more information about Ray and Cheryl, please visit and subscribe to their newsletter for current news of the work they are doing in PNG.